Civil War Diary of George Painter – October 1, 1863

Day after day the troops were subjected to dress parade.

The troops were not happy this month as the young men were getting tired of sitting on the banks waiting for some activity. So they created some of their own as they had to find food for themselves and their mules. They are very tired of dress parade.

George tries to find pleasure in some of the little things like getting a letter in the mail or even a day pass but he would really like to have a furlough, which is something he has not had since his enlistment.

Thursday, October 1, 1863

This morning the news came that Rosy had whipped old Bragg. But the news may be doubted as we have heard so many similar reports. We had dress parade and the orders were as follows: We are to drill from 7 o’clock to 8 and from 10 to 11 and from 2 to 3. At 5 o’clock we are to have dress parade. This didn’t agree with the boys, as well as many other orders would, as they have been on board so long. They feel rather lazy for the duty that’s to be done.

Thursday. October. 1st. 1863.

This morning the news came that Rosy had whiped old brag But the news may be doubted as we have heard so many simeral reports. We had dress-parad and the orders was as follows that we are to drill from 7 oclock to 8 and from 10 to eleven and from 2 to 3 and at 5 oclock we are to have dress-parade. This didn’t agree with the boys so well as many other orders would as they have been on board so long they feel rather lazy for the duty thats to be done.

Read more about the adventures of George Painter and the Mississippi Marine Brigade in my recently published book, “Life in the Mississippi Marine Brigade” which is available on Amazon and ebay or by contacting me at

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